Creating Impactful CSR Campaign Videos for Coca-Cola

In 2018, Coca-Cola tasked me to create engaging video content for an internal CSR campaign, inspiring their employees to actively participate and make a positive impact on the community.

The CSR Project

Immersing myself in Coca-Cola's CSR project, I gained a deep understanding of its objectives and impact, allowing me to develop a creative video concept that would resonate with their employees.




I researched the project's objectives and impact to gain a deep understanding of the CSR campaign.

I worked closely with Coca-Cola to develop a creative video concept that would inspire their employees.

I came up with innovative ideas for the video scripts, leveraging storytelling elements and captivating visuals.

The Video Conceptualization

I collaborated closely with Coca-Cola to develop a creative video concept that would resonate with their employees, highlighting the significance of their role in the CSR campaign.

Educating and Informing

We wanted to provide employees with a deep understanding of the impact the project could make.




Empowering Employees

Our goal was to inspire and mobilize Coca-Cola's employees to actively participate in the CSR initiative.

Inspiring Change

By showcasing the positive change that the CSR initiative can bring, we hoped to inspire Coca-Cola's employees to get involved and make a difference.


I crafted compelling scripts that effectively communicated the mission, values, and the positive change that the CSR project aimed to bring, inspiring Coca-Cola's employees to get involved.

Mission and Values

The scripts highlighted the mission and values of the CSR project, emphasizing the positive impact it would have on the community.

Actionable Steps

The scripts included actionable steps that employees could take to contribute to the project.

Call to Action

The scripts included a strong call to action, encouraging employees to get involved and make a positive difference.


Leveraging professional videography and editing, I brought the scripts to life with captivating visuals, animation, and storytelling elements, creating videos that inspired and excited Coca-Cola's employees.

Professional Equipment

I used state-of-the-art equipment to ensure that the videos were of highest quality.


Working with a talented team, we produced videos that captured the hearts and minds of Coca-Cola's employees.

Creative Editing

I used creative editing techniques to make the videos visually appealing and engaging.

Engaging Call to Action

Each video included a compelling call to action, encouraging employees to get involved and make a difference in their communities.



Employees were encouraged to volunteer their time and skills for the CSR initiative.


Spread the Word

Coca-Cola employees were encouraged to share the project's mission and values with their friends and family, spreading awareness about the importance of CSR initiatives.



Monetary donations were welcome and encouraged, as they could help to scale the impact of the project.

Enhanced Employee Engagement

The videos successfully captured the hearts and minds of Coca-Cola's employees, inspiring them to take an active role in the CSR initiative.

Inspired Workforce

Employees were excited to contribute to the project, motivated by the messages of the videos.

Actionable Change

The videos empowered employees by providing them with actionable steps and encouraging them to make a meaningful impact in their communities.

Community Impact

The videos led to increased employee volunteerism and donations, resulting in a more substantial and meaningful impact in the community.

Positive Impact

Through the CSR campaign videos, Coca-Cola's employees became more knowledgeable and motivated to participate in the project, resulting in a positive difference in the community.

Community Support

With more employee involvement, the CSR initiative gained widespread community support and recognition.




Increased Employee Participation

Employee volunteerism and participation increased significantly after the release of the videos.

Meaningful Impact

The increased employee involvement and donations led to a more substantial and meaningful impact in the community.

Awareness and Recognition

The campaign videos received positive feedback from Coca-Cola employees and received recognition for the company's efforts in the CSR space.

Positive Feedback

Recognized Efforts

Community Impact

Coca-Cola's employees responded positively to the videos, recognizing the importance of the CSR initiative.

Coca-Cola received recognition and accolades for its efforts in the CSR space, with the videos being a key component of the campaign's success.

The CSR initiative, driven by the videos' success, made a positive impact on the local community, creating a ripple effect of meaningful change.

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